Introducing the Cornell Buffalo Business Network!

The Cornell Club of Greater Buffalo is pleased to announce the newest addition to the Buffalo community:


The mission of the Cornell Buffalo Business Network (“CBBN”) is to Promote interaction among Cornellians in the WNY business community and facilitate access to business resources at Cornell University.  Join us at our inaugural event on November 16th to:

  • Network and build relationships with other Cornellians in the Buffalo business community
  • Hear about input received from our survey of suggested CBBN events & initiatives
  • Learn about our Cornell Club of Greater Buffalo Directory on Linkedin
  • Suggest events & initiatives that interest you

Bring your business cards!  Optional – send us your headshot, name, business, title and Cornell school & year to  to be included in our slide show at the event.

We hope to see you at Lakeward Spirits on November 16th, please register by November 14, cost is $10 and includes light refreshments. Cash bar.

Please contact Kelly Scherer with any questions.